Tackling the under-representation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders in UK higher education institutions
There is a clear under-representation of leaders from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds in higher education (HE) institutions in the UK at all levels but particularly at senior levels. There is also documented evidence of the poor experiences of many Black, Asian and minority ethnic academic staff in UK HE including experiences related to leadership roles.
We will be launching the new portfolio dates for 2024/25 in June 2024.
Please enquire below to register your interest.
The Diversifying Leadership (DL) programme is an established programme that aligns to the following themes:
- Power and influence
- Demystifying leadership
- Cultural identity and cultural capital
Participants will explore concepts such as ‘authentic leadership’, allowing the self-identity of their own leadership style and role as a leader to emerge, as well considering their motivation and influences. Featuring stories from high-profile HE leaders, the programme is designed to provide a safe environment in which to discuss issues and personal narratives relating to lived experiences of working within HE. As a result, participants build confidence, feel empowered and expand their professional strengths.

An introduction to the programme
In this video Melissa Jogie, Co-director of the DL Programme, reflects on how the programme is delivered, the confidence delegates gain from participation and the shared learning experience and supportive environment it provides.

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Programme dates
We will be launching the new portfolio dates for 2024/25 this coming June. It will consist of 3 cohorts due to start in the Autumn and Spring terms.
Who is the programme for?
The Diversifying Leadership programme is designed to support early career academics, professional services staff, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds who are about to take their first steps into a leadership role.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of eligibility ahead booking this programme then please do get in touch by making an enquiry below.
How is the programme delivered?
Diversifying Leadership builds on the very successful blended delivery (a mix of synchronous online, on-the-job, and face-to-face learning) approach offered in the previous nineteen national programmes.
The programme is delivered over the period of three months comprising of five modules of which two will be held face-to-face, with related asynchronous work. Typically running at a frequency of three regional cohorts per academic year participants will engage in:
- Half-day synchronous online workshops or modules featuring keynote speakers from the HE sector
- Approximately 30 minutes of post-session reflective activities
- Two facilitated action learning sets.
The focus areas of individual modules can be found below:
Orientation webinar: Introduction to Diversifying Leadership Programme
Module One: Leadership, 'Black, Asian and minority ethnic leadership' and lessons from the labyrinth
Module Two: Leadership, power and influence: changing the game
Module Three (Action learning set): Speaking actions into existence
Module Four: Leadership tomorrow: vision, voice and visibility
Module Five (Action learning set): Speaking actions into existence
These activities are supported by a rich set of learning materials that remain available to participants for a minimum of 6 months after the conclusion of the programme. DL is digitally recognised and will provide attendees will a certificate of learning.

As part of the programme, participants are required to secure a sponsor from within their institution who will support them during the programme and potentially beyond. The time commitment will be negotiated between the sponsor and the participant.
Role of a Sponsor
Sponsorship is a special kind of relationship in which a more senior colleague provides structured support which may include:
- creating research productivity;
- career advice & guidance;
- navigate internal politics & structures; and
- provides access to projects
The Sponsor also uses his or her influence with senior members of staff to advocate for the participant.
Sponsor Toolkit
The Sponsor Toolkit is an additional resource for sponsors, consisting of web-based materials and interactive support. It has been made available to ensure sponsors have a better understanding of the specific issues facing Black, Asian and minority ethnic early career leaders and are confident to carry out their role in championing them. The toolkit is informed by relevant academic literature and good practice on sponsorship and the experience and development of aspiring Black, Asian and minority ethnic leaders.

Diversifying Leadership Sponsor Toolkit

Meet the delivery team
Sanchia Alasia

How to book?
Your institutional Champion is responsible for booking you onto the programme. They are a significant point of contact throughout your experience, who can help with reviewing applications to ensure a safe and suitable environment is maintained. Please contact your institutional champion to apply to Diversifying Leadership.
If your institution does not have an institutional champion assigned yet, please use the booking link and follow the instructions that will be sent to you after you have booked your place on the program. These instructions will provide guidance on how to proceed whilst ensuring a smooth onboarding process. Please note we cannot accept more than five bookings from the same institution per cohort.
Programmes and event bookings are made through My Advance HE (https://my.advance-he.ac.uk/), our customer portal. On your first visit to My Advance HE you will need to go through the sign up process to activate your account using an email address of your choice.

Our Diversifying Leadership Champion Community consists of people within Higher Education institutions who work closely with Advance HE to promote the programme and support delegates through the application and booking process.
Diversifying Leadership Directory
Supporting Statements
The application process is under review for 2024/2025.
All prospective participants will still be required to complete a personal statement, select a sponsor from within their institution and consequently request from them a statement of support.
Once our co-directors have reviewed your supporting statements we will then confirm your place in the programme and issue an invoice to your institution through the 'MyAHE' booking portal.
Personal Statement Form
Sponsor Statement Form

Diversifying Leadership longitudinal study
Cracking the concrete ceiling: Tracking the impact of the Diversifying Leadership programme was commissioned by Advance HE to explore leadership development for black and minority ethnic staff in higher education. View summary findings or read the full report.
