New regulation and tort law around freedom of speech and academic freedom within English higher education will come into full effect later this year, though the issues that they raise are experienced across the UK and beyond. Guidance is being developed by Advance HE to help institutions navigate the challenges that emanate from balancing freedom of speech, academic freedom and good relations within the law, which will be published in late spring. As chairs, governors and governance professionals, how can you help your institutions anticipate and navigate challenges in this area both for the short and long term? How do you ensure there is an appropriate approach to seeking and testing assurance?
Event aims
This interactive online event, delivered in association with CUC, AHUA and UUK, will provide a forum for the governance community to understand and horizon-scan the regulatory environment and gain an overview of the sector guidance to inform their own practice. Advance HE will be publishing new guidance on protected beliefs shortly. Attendees will:
- hear from a diverse range of speakers with different role perspectives
- have a chance to share and consider their own institution’s experiences of navigating freedom of speech to date
- learn from other institutions and reflect on key aspects of the guidance through networking and breakout discussions.

Who should attend?
This event is designed for governors/trustees, Chairs, governance professionals, SU CEOs and others interested in understanding the implications for institutions of the updated Freedom of Speech legislation in England, and similar operating challenges in the devolved nations, and how these interact with relevant principles and legal requirements pertaining to academic freedom and good relations.
Attendee takeaways
- An enhanced understanding of the current policy and regulatory issues
- An understanding of the key principles which underpin how to balance freedom of speech, academic freedom and good relations within the law from the new guidance
- Insights into a range of institutional experiences and approaches to assurance to inform your own practice.

Programme - Navigating Freedom of Speech for the Short and Long Term
This virtual event will be 90 minutes long and follow a format that includes both input from experts and provides an opportunity for colleagues to share insights and learn from each other. This forum will help colleagues understand the latest updates to Freedom of Speech regulation and identify and manage related risks at a strategic level.
The format of the event will be as follows:
- Introduction to the session, speakers and topic
- Panel discussion and Q&A
- Breakout discussions about the topics introduced
- Plenary for groups to share their main points of discussion with the wider audience
- Summary and wrap up
The event took place on 6 June 2024, virtual.