Strategic Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is an approach dedicated to infusing fairness, justice, and equality into every facet of an organisation's operations and decision-making procedures. The primary goal is to cultivate an inclusive and equitable environment that recognises and honours the diversity of all individuals within the organisation. While the aims of Strategic EDI may vary, its outcomes and the potential impact on the organisation are positively correlated with improved decision-making, an inclusive equitable and supportive work/study environment and increases in innovation and growth.
Read our introductory blog here.
This project is relevant to: All members
Job functions: Academics, Learning Designers and Technologists, Employability and Careers Staff, Student Experience, Middle Management and Senior Leaders.
Open Doors, Narrow Corridors?
This project explores current efforts to ensure post-entry inclusion of students from widening participation and underrepresented backgrounds, with a focus on fostering community connections, engagement and belonging.
Inclusive Leadership InSights
This benefit refers to the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that leaders need to effectively lead diverse teams and foster inclusive cultures.
Inclusive Recruitment
The objective of this project is to enhance diversity in candidate selection by eliminating barriers and biases within the recruitment process.

Open Doors, Narrow Corridors?
Higher education has long been a gateway to opportunity, a pathway to personal growth, and a catalyst for societal progress. Institutions have opened their doors wider, enabling students who have not traditionally accessed higher education to do so. Yet, once they have entered institutions, the corridors have often been narrow rather than inclusive, obstructing the journey for marginalised and underrepresented individuals.
Output - Mini-report series
Output- Interactive Webinar
Time: 12:30-14:00 BST
Join us for an interactive webinar, where we will delve into the challenges faced by underrepresented groups and the innovative strategies for promoting inclusivity. With breakout rooms for deeper discussions and sharing of insights, we hope this will be an opportunity to invite member institutions to exchange ideas and foster collaborative conversations.
Webinar Speakers
Madiha Sajid

Inclusive Leadership InSights
Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping organisational culture and strategy. The imperative for inclusive leadership extends beyond mere ethical considerations; it aligns with prudent business acumen. A paradigm shift towards redefining leadership, with inclusive leadership positioned as a fundamental competency, proves instrumental in attracting a diverse array of talents, encompassing both employees and students. This deliberate commitment fosters authentic inclusion and a sense of belonging, yielding positive outcomes for the organisation.
Output - Vlogs
Access the first 5 vlogs, with 2 more to be published in due course.
Output - Inclusive Leadership Review

Inclusive Recruitment
Inclusive recruitment practices are designed to draw in and select candidates from a diverse array by eliminating barriers and biases in the recruitment process. This resource delves into methods through which organisations can strategically pursue applicants from diverse backgrounds, with a specific focus on those from underrepresented groups. It is informed by insights, feedback, and overarching themes from the Inclusive Recruitment colloquium held by Advance HE in July 2023.
Output - Written paper
Output - Online peer exchange event
This virtual event is built on the Inclusive Recruitment Colloquium 2023. The event will provide you with an overview of inclusive practice for each stage of the staff recruitment process from defining the role to onboarding. There will be an opportunity for Q&A at the end of the session.

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