Member projects will run throughout the membership year. Projects are listed below; for projects that are not yet live, you can register your interest to receive updates when the project launch.
Details of this year's projects can be found below.
Membership Benefits 2022-23
Advance HE membership packages feature a wide range of benefits including Member Projects and Accreditation Options.
Advance HE brings together staff and students in different roles, different institutions and different countries, across a huge diversity of highly relevant and useful topics. They are the springboard for very exciting and developmental conversations".Feedback from a 2021 member project event.

Member Projects
Beyond Flexible Learning
Tertiary Education: Navigating Complexity
Good Campus Relations and Freedom of Speech
Authentic Assessment in the era of AI
Student Outcomes
Sustainability: Realising the Ambition
Leadership for the Future
International Higher Education: What Next?
Governance Effectiveness Projects
Our Governance Effectiveness Projects include a focus on ‘Academic Assurance’ to explore what the future Board KPI dashboard might look like. We are also re-running the ‘Supporting Inclusive Boards’, which we initially ran with GuildHE last year.
Governance Effectiveness Projects: Academic Assurance
Governance Effectiveness Projects: Supporting Inclusive Boards
Governance Effectiveness Projects: The Board's Role in ESG and Sustainability Oversight