As custodians of the PSF, Advance HE committed to review the PSF on behalf of the sector in our Strategy 2021-24, acknowledging that the learning and teaching landscape within HE has changed considerably since the last review in 2011.
The PSF review was sector-led, drew on a strong evidence base and featured and extensive consultative process. A sector-led Steering Group oversaw the review, which was carried out by a Project Team of colleagues from across the sector, with Advance HE facilitating this work. Respecting both the global nature of higher education and the range of contexts within which the PSF is now recognised, the Steering Group and the Project Team had proportional international representation.
Extensive stakeholder consultation was a core characteristic of the PSF Review. For Advance HE, the Steering Group and the Project Team, ensuring the review process was fully inclusive was a primary objective. During the review the Project Team undertook consultation with over 800 academics and higher education professionals from more than 20 countries.
The PSF Review led to the creation of a revised framework which built on the strengths of the previous framework.
The PSF 2023 launched on 31 January 2023.
Download the report on the review
Download a copy of the 'Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education: report of the review 2021-2023'. This report details that review process, and explores some of the most prominent changes to the revised Framework.

Video: Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Learning Support in Higher Education: An introduction
In this video Julie Baldry Currens, the project lead, and project manager Dallas Alexandrou summarise the PSF review and its findings, key features of the new PSF and their associated benefits to the higher education sector.

PSF 2023
The PSF 2023 builds on the strengths of the previous PSF while placing much more overt emphasis on:
- the effectiveness and impact of teaching;
- the context in which the teaching takes place;
- inclusivity – both from the perspective of the wider range of staff now able to engage with the PSF and how more inclusive approaches ensure all learners feel respected, valued and have equity in opportunity to succeed.
With a greater emphasis on digital/technology, professional values, support for students and collaboration, the revisions ensure the PSF is fit-for-the-future and remains relevant and compelling wherever and however higher education teaching and learning are delivered.
Alison Johns, Chief Executive, Advance HE introduces the PSF 2023 here.

Steering Group

Project Team

Will this affect my Fellowship application/journey?
If you are in the process of writing an application to Advance HE for any of the four categories of fellowship based on the 2011 UK PSF please do continue, as we will welcome applications in this format at any time before the end of December 2023. From 1 January 2024 Advance HE will only accept new fellowship applications based on the PSF 2023.
New applicant guidance is available on our website from 1 March 2023 and applications in this new format are open from Wednesday 12 April 2023.
What impact will this have on our Advance HE accredited provision?
We understand that our accredited member institutions will be considering the impact that any revision to the framework will have on their accredited provision. Following the launch of the revised PSF in January 2023, a transition period of two years until January 2025 will be in place to support institutions to make any changes in a structured, planned way and at a pace to suit them. Advance HE will work with its member institutions to develop appropriate support and plans for existing accredited schemes and for those organisations in the process of seeking accreditation. We will provide more information around this as the review progresses but please do contact our accreditation team if you have any specific queries at this stage
Will this affect my Fellowship status?
No – your existing Fellowship status will not be affected by the PSF 2023.