Our symposium events offer staff a useful forum to encourage the exchange and dissemination of different ways of thinking about key teaching and learning challenges and new approaches. Practitioners are invited to participate in each symposium through submitting an abstract on their work as a fifteen-minute stimulus presentation and case study to support the discussions.
Each symposium is facilitated by a Senior Advisor from Advance HE with specific expertise in the area being discussed. The day will feature a keynote presentation from a leading practitioner in each area, followed by themed sessions showcasing case studies from across the sector. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn from leading practitioners in the sector, debate priority issues and learn from cutting-edge initiatives.
The symposia provide teaching practitioners with access to an open and supportive environment and valuable peer network to share and discuss contemporary practice and initiatives. They enable participants to develop a principled, evidence-informed approach to devising subsequent support and guidance for change in enhancing student success in HE.
Who: Teaching practitioners including: heads of departments, academic programme leaders and developers, lecturers, academic and support staff, and learning technologists.
View the dates of the events below or in the calendar.

Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2024: AI For All: Embracing AI in Higher Education Across the MENA Region
Date: 20 June 2024
Venue: Virtual
The symposium aims to bring colleagues together from across the MENA region to share and discuss how AI is being incorporated into practice and will focus on building ethical and sustainable student learning journeys.

Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2024: AI Journeys - Being Human
Date: 10 July 2024, In-person
Venue: Manchester
The symposium will provide insights into aligning AI with the context's core values, objectives, and higher education standards.

Research Symposium 2024: Innovate, Inspire, Lead: Transforming research culture
Date: 16 July 2024
Venue: Virtual
This symposium aims to advance this conversation and discuss practical tools to develop a thriving and sustainable research culture.