Diverse and representative leadership at all levels in higher education is critical to meeting the challenges currently facing the sector. New Bills and approaches from Governments will see the landscape change and institutional strategies, leadership and governance will need to be prepared both for the challenges and the opportunities their operating contexts present.
By investing in the development of approaches and the current and future leaders across all areas of your institution you are ensuring that your leadership team has the skills, flexibility and resilience needed to deliver your current and future goals.
Want to find out more?
Complete the form by clicking below to find out more about how we can support your leaders to be confident, agile, innovative and inclusive.

Why work with Advance HE?
We are sector-owned, and HE is our world. Advance HE delivers lasting value in HE by providing the expertise and evidence-based insights to sector challenges. We have been working with leaders in higher education for over 20 years. Many of the leaders in the sector have taken part in development programmes with us, which have helped shape their career trajectories.

Our solutions
High-impact staff development programmes
Developing your strategies
Culture Reviews
Academic Leadership Programme
She Leads: Developing women leaders of the future
Research Leadership Development Programme
Tailored solutions

Our experts
Working with us means drawing on the expertise of highly experienced colleagues who are active leaders in their fields with significant track records in supporting institutions to deliver their objectives. We also work with a vast group of highly experienced and skilled associates.
Joanne Coysh

Project Success Stories

Useful resources and links
With over 15 years of resources to access and as convener of current thinking, knowledge and insight into the key sector opportunities and challenges, Advance HE exists to help higher education shape its future. Examples of our publications to support leaders include:
- Leadership Survey for Higher Education
- Leadership and management development: what do the Australian and New Zealand Higher Education sectors want and need?
- Inclusive institutions enabling and supporting culture change: capstone report
- Hybrid Higher: Hybrid working and leadership in higher education
- Sustainability for Everyone: Perspectives from Higher Education Leaders
- Leadership Journeys: Tracking the impact and challenge of the Top Management Programme
- Transforming organisations from student to board: reflective guide