Effective leadership is critical to the success of any team. For those new to a research team leadership role, developing the necessary practical skills combined with the requirements of meeting research delivery objectives can be particularly challenging.
Research Team Leadership in Changing Times is a two-day online course designed to develop your skills as a research team leader with particular reference to supporting research leaders and their teams in these changing times.
Developing the leadership skills of both research professionals and academics
Research Team Leadership in Changing Times is designed to develop the skills of research team leaders by providing a pragmatic framework to equip them with the skills to lead with confidence in an increasingly challenging research context.
The programme offers a variety of solutions and approaches to team building and gaining co-operation from colleagues, using techniques to enhance team equality, diversity, depth and clarity.
As a participant on this programme, you will discover how to build and lead a research team, run effective research team meetings, support individual researchers and develop your role as a team leader; thus enhancing your capability as a research leader and developing your career potential. Particular attention will be given to the demands of accomplishing this in a virtual environment and through periods of uncertainty.
4 July 2024 - 5 July 2024
Pricing FAQs
- Click 'Book your place' and select your institution to calculate your booking price
- We do not offer discounts for group bookings
- Our programmes are exempt from VAT
- T+Cs

Who is the programme for?
This programme has been designed for those who have been appointed as principal investigators or who are currently leading small research teams (up to six researchers). Participants may have responsibility for leading contract research staff or postgraduate research students, as well as technical and administrative support staff. Research Team Leadership is ideal for those who have had little or no leadership development and want to grow into their leadership role.
How is the programme delivered?
Research Team Leadership in Changing Times is a two-day digital programme, where participants:
- undertake pre-work to enable participants to develop a vision for their research career and assess their leadership in a range of research team functions.
- take part in a series of interactive and practical sessions which includes a mixture of exercises, discussions, demonstrations and presentations, aimed at developing their team leadership skills.
- consider different approaches to leadership in a research context, including: team building, running effective team meetings, resolving conflicts, vision and action planning.

Research Team Leadership in Changing Times: Programme
Over the two-day digital programme, participants will take part in a series of interactive and practical sessions aimed at developing their team leadership skills:
Day one
- Teams and Team Working
- Team Dynamics
- Approaches to Leadership
- Needs and Responsibilities (Functions?)
- What should Research Team Leaders do?
Day two
- Challenges of Leading and Managing Research Teams in Changing Times
- Supporting your Researchers
- Research Team Leadership Case Study
- Personal Vision and Action Planning
- Individual Consultations
What are the programme outcomes?
The Research Team Leadership in Changing Times programme allows participants to reflect upon their personal vision for their research career in terms of the role of a Research Team Leader. They will review what it means to take on a team leadership role, how to engage in team working and team building, and practice relevant key leadership skills such as listening.
By the end of the programme, they will have considered and prepared an action plan that will enable them to implement their learning to enhance research activity within their institution.
Participants will also gain experience of using on-line tools for one-to-one, small group and research team meetings and for creating breakout spaces, sharing information and fostering collaboration.
The programme will particularly benefit individuals and institutions preparing for REF submissions and looking to enhance research performance and outputs.


"Provocative, engaging and fun"
To find out how the programme has been adapted to be delivered online and what participants will gain from the programme, we spoke to facilitator David Faraday who told us the 'highly interactive programme' allows team leaders the 'opportunity to observe teams in action and engage in problem solving' activities.

Share and celebrate your achievements with digitally recognised learning
For much of our portfolio for 2022-23 the learning of event attendees and programme participants and conference, symposia and colloquia presenters will be digitally recognised.
This makes it easy for you to share and celebrate your achievements by adding them to your email signature or including them in your social profiles including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Your learning certificates can also be easily verified and downloaded as a pdf.
