As Higher Education providers, Advance HE members face many similar challenges – irrespective of where they are in the world.
In response to their feedback, our experts develop packages of learning and support designed to help them tackle issues ranging from student outcomes, engagement and retention to navigating the impact of artificial intelligence.
This bank of resources is being expanded and developed all the time, so why not bookmark this page so you can refer to it quickly, and easily?
Explore the themes using the links below.
Advance HE Membership
Click the link below to find out more about Advance HE member packages.

Teaching and Learning
Discover our Member Benefit projects that sit within the Teaching and Learning theme below.
Generative AI: Beyond Assessment
Student Needs Framework
Measuring Educational Gain
Education for Sustainable Development
Student Engagement through Partnership
International Higher Education - What's next?
Beyond the Classroom: Supporting Student Outcomes
Tertiary Education: Navigating Complexity
Authentic Assessment in the Era of AI
Beyond Flexible Learning
Student Outcomes
Internationalisation of HE
Transitions, retention and progress
Utilising the Professional Standards Framework for Strategic Change
Student Success: Flexible Learning
Student Success Framework Series Review
College-based HE network
Student Success: Access, retention, attainment and progression
Tertiary Sector Evolution
Student Success: Assessment and Feedback
Engaging learners: Any time? Any place? Anyhow?
The Future Student Experience
Re-thinking delivery models for quality higher education for all
Student Partnerships in Assessment
Celebrating success and addressing challenges in assessment

Discover our Member Benefit projects that sit within the Leadership theme below.
Leadership for the Future
Identifying, developing and supporting Academic Leadership
The Sustainable Institutions Project: An Evidence Informed Review of Good Practice
Good Campus Relations and Freedom of Speech
International Higher Education: What's next?
Leading change through teams and networks
Organisational wellbeing
Hybrid Higher - hybrid working and leadership in higher education
Exceptional student retention
Sustainability for everyone: here and now
The future of the student voice? Policy, principles, practice.
Transforming Organisations: from student to board

Discover our Member Benefit projects that sit within the Governance theme below.
Measuring What Matters
The Board's role in ESG and Sustainability Oversight
Academic Assaurance
Supporting Inclusive Boards
Leading change through teams and networks
Delivering on EDI: the critical governance role
Transforming Organisations: from student to board

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Discover our Member Benefit projects that sit within the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion theme below.
Exploring a holistic approach to equality, diversity and inclusion
Inclusive Institutions: Enabling and supporting culture change
Leading change through teams and networks
How has Covid-19 impacted on gender equality in HE?
Delivering on EDI: the critical governance role

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Knowledge Hub
The Advance HE Knowledge Hub brings together thousands of higher education resources covering a wide range of topics and themes all into one place. Search by keyword or use the search filters on theme, sub theme and content type to find resources relevant to you.
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Advance HE Connect
Advance HE Connect our online network that is open to all those who work in HE providing a space where the sector can share, connect and collaborate in one place with 22,000 HE peers from 100 countries around the globe. The platform features special interest groups, events and collaborative projects.