From speaking to our members, it is clear that there is a strong commitment to ensuring that the transformational progress made through Teaching and Learning Accreditation, and the Athena Swan and Race Equality Charters continues to move forward over the coming academic year. Our priority remains helping you implement long term and sustainable solutions, whilst striving for excellence in teaching and learning, and inclusivity, two of our key priority areas.

Teaching and Learning Accreditation
Celebrating the demonstrable impact of teaching in higher education.
Advance HE Teaching and Learning Accreditation reinforces your commitment to the development and support you provide for your teaching and learning colleagues against the UKPSF and award Fellowships. Accreditation also includes a range of provisions to help institutions both enhance their practice and achieve professional recognition for their staff.
This package raises the profile of teaching and learning in your institution, celebrating its importance demonstrating to staff and students a commitment to the quality of teaching. Additionally, the Teaching and Learning Accreditation package is enhanced by:
a panel review of an accreditation submission in each four-year cycle
initial 12-month review for institutions that are new to accreditation
accredited programme leader network
annual review of accredited CPD schemes
online calibration activities to support the standards of Fellowship judgements
minor changes to accredited provision
support from Advance HE Fellowship and Accreditation team
discounted benefits.

Athena Swan
Encouraging and recognising commitment to advancing gender equality.
The UK Athena Swan Charter provides a robust and impactful framework through which institutions and departments work to identify and address structural and cultural barriers to gender equality, and have their commitment to, and progress in removing these barriers, recognised. A new streamlined Charter is now available and has been developed with the support and input of the sector at every stage. The updated Charter provides a flexible and developmental framework to enable and empower institutions and departments to focus on their gender equality priorities, while streamlining and reducing the burden of application processes.
By taking part in the Athena Swan Charter, members join a global community with a shared goal of addressing gender inequalities and embedding inclusive cultures. The Charter supports institutions and departments to advance their equality, diversity and inclusion goals, and showcase their commitment and progress to their community and prospective staff and students.
Click here for the latest news on Athena Swan.

Race Equality Charter
Improving the representation, experience, progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students within higher education.
The Race Equality Charter is a key component of Advance HE’s mission to support the sector in promoting fair representation, progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students in higher education. It provides a rigorous and robust framework through which institutions work to critically reflect and act on institutional and cultural barriers standing in the way of the progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students. The Charter enables institutions to act on their commitments using an evidence-informed approach and progress in removing these barriers for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students. Race Equality Charter membership provides access to a suite of developmental support to help institutions enhance their practice and to the accreditation process through which members can achieve recognition for their commitment and activity in this area. Through their participation in the Race Equality Charter, institutions evidence their dedication and actions to advancing race equality, and are provided with a framework with which all their staff and students can engage and support.
Click here for the latest news on Race Equality Charter.

Charter support and resources
Members can access a broad range of developmental support and services as part of the Athena Swan Charter and Race Equality Charter packages, including:
membership of the Athena Swan or Race Equality Charter networks, where institutions and departments share good practice and support
strategic, developmental and operational support from the Advance HE Equality Charters team
a panel review of an institutional submission in each cycle
pre-submission advice and feedback through the provision of a developmental review of an institutional submission in each cycle
support and guidance for the institutional team in a mid-award-cycle developmental meeting exploring action plan momentum, successes and challenges
access to supporting materials, advice and resources, such as videos, webinars and good practice databases
attendance at Enhancing Practice events and seminars, at which members can learn from and share good practice with experts and peers on different aspects of gender or race equality in higher education and research.
Enhancements to Equality Charters services
In addition to the Charters themselves, in the 2021-22 academic year, Advance HE member institutions
will also benefit from enhancements to services, including:
increased support from the Equality Charters team through dedicated contact points
the development of online submission and review systems
the development of a data dashboard for university applicants
increased developmental support and training for panel reviewers.