'Internationalisation of HE' forms part of Advance HE's review of the Student Success Framework and centres around a literature review 'Internationalisation and students’ outcomes or experiences. This is a review of the literature 2011-2021, synthesising evidence about internationalisation and its demonstrable impacts on students’ outcomes and experiences in higher education.
The review by the University of Manchester focuses on peer-reviewed journal articles about the internationalisation of higher education, focusing specifically on research which shows the demonstrable impact on students’ outcomes or experiences.
Associated outputs include a literature review, blog, webinars and summits.
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Project Outputs
Project Output- Introductory Blog (Literature Review)
In the introductory blog, the report authors, Dr Jenna Mittelmeier, Dr Sylvie Lomer, Said Al Furqani and Daian Huang from The University of Manchester have shared some reflections on key findings and major gaps in current knowledge.
Project Output- Literature Review
The internationalisation literature review in higher education synthesised over 600 research publications written by global authors in the last 10 years. The review focussed on one primary question: what is internationalisation actually doing for students’ higher education experiences?
The findings identified 11 broad thematic categories in the research literature about internationalisation, and while identifying a number of areas of excellent practice, the authors also highlight the need for the sector to carefully focus internationalisation strategies in several key areas.

Project Output- Podcast
The first of two podcast episodes from Dr Jenna Mittelmeier and Dr Sylvie Lomer of the University of Manchester, discussing the recent Internationalisation and students' outcomes or experiences literature review, which was authored by them along with colleagues.
Podcast 1
In this episode, they discuss the premise behind the literature review and think about why they have undertaken this work and why they think internationalisation is an important topic, both for practice and for research related to higher education.
Podcast 2
This episode discusses the key themes and findings from the report, as well as the potential lessons for academics when looking to develop the student experience and improve outcomes at their institution.
Project Output- Webinars and Summit
We were joined by the research authors, Dr Jenna Mittelmeier, Dr Sylvie Lomer, Said Al Furqani and Daian Huang from The University of Manchester to discuss their findings.
Student Success: Internationalising Higher Education- Webinar 1
Student Success: Internationalising Higher Education- Webinar 2
Student Success: Internationalising Higher Education - Summit 1
Student Success: Internationalising Higher Education - Summit 2
Facilitated by Gavin Bunting

Research Team
The research team, led by Dr Jenna Mittelmeier (Senior Lecturer in International Education), also included Dr Sylvie Lomer (Senior Lecturer in Policy and Practice), Said Al Furqani (Postgraduate Researcher), and Daian Huang (Postgraduate Researcher).
Dr Jenna Mittelmeier
Dr Jenna Mittelmeier is Senior Lecturer in International Education at the University of Manchester, where her research focuses on the internationalisation of higher education and practices with international students. She is the Research in Context editor for Journal of International Students and lead editor for the upcoming volume “Research with International Students” (Routledge). Jenna is on Twitter at @JLMittelmeier.
Dr Sylvie Lomer
Dr Sylvie Lomer is a Senior Lecturer in Policy and Practice at the Institute of Education at the University of Manchester. She has worked in international higher education for over a decade, with a research interest in international students and policy. This began during study abroad and continued as a teacher of international students, in pathway colleges and Learning Development. She has published on national branding of UK higher education, policy analysis, and blended learning. Her first book from Palgrave is entitled “Recruiting international students in higher education: Rationales and representations in British policy.” Sylvie is on Twitter at @SE_Lomer.
Said Al Furqani
Said Al Furqani is a Postgraduate Researcher at the University of Manchester. His research interest revolves around the area of internationalisation of Higher Education, and particularly researching both policy and practice of internationalisation in the Global South. He is a qualitative researcher, and his work takes a critical perspective on knowledge construction and power. Said is on Twitter at @said_farqani
Daian Huang
Daian Huang is a Postgraduate Researcher in Education at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on the internationalisation of higher education and international students’ experiences. Daian is on Twitter at @DaianHuang

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