The members of the Global Perspectives Strategic Advisory Group are:
Group members
Saad Qureshi (Chair)
Abby Cathcart - Director of Academy for Learning and Teaching, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Liz Johnson - DVC Education, Deakin University
Tim Steele - Pro-Vice Chancellor International, University of Wolverhampton
Dr Sana Almansoori - Director, Unit for Teaching Excellence and Leadership, University of Bahrain
Tashmin Khamis - Professor & Vice Provost (Quality, Teaching & Learning), Aga Khan University
Dr Bradley Johnson - Academic Manager, Department of Applied and Experiential Learning (AEL), University of Doha for Science and Technology
Dr Filippo Nereo - Associate Professor & Associate Director, Keele Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellence Keele University
Dr Sara Hannam - Head of Global Partnerships, Oxford Brookes University
Zachary Walker - Head of Department, Department of Psychology and Human Development - Institute of Education, University College London
Kevin Andrews - Federal Vice Chancellor, Unicaf University
Paul Marshall - Pro-Vice Chancellor (Careers & Enterprise), University of East London
Professor Theo Farrell - Vice-Chancellor, La Trobe University
Abi Kelly - Director of International Engagement and External Relations
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

Terms of Reference
The Global Perspectives Strategic Advisory Group Terms of Reference and the relevant person specification is provided below.