Regulators across the globe are placing a greater emphasis on student outcomes. Student retention or attrition, and graduate employment or employability are key example metrics on which institutions and courses are judged. This is alongside a range of disruptors impacting HE that make these cognate areas of success ever more critical.
To support institutions and educators in navigating these challenges and opportunities, Advance HE has developed the Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success. Using the frameworks we work with you, understanding your context, to define and design high-level strategies and tackle the issues which matter, sharing insight and evidenced-based practice to enable student success.
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Our approach
Through a 4-stage approach, Advance HE can support strategic level transformation, as well as providing tactical support for educators. We use one or a combination of tools to support you with a tailored approach to your challenges, aligning with the institution’s distinctive mission, values and current strategies.

Example tools
- Audits
- Benchmarking
- Qualitative and quantitative insights
- Desk analysis
- Curriculum review
- Portfolio review
- Teaching Skills Masterclass
- Academic Leadership Programme
- Mission, Vision, Values and Strategy consultancy
- Impact assessments
- Evaluations
- Student Surveys

Essential Frameworks for Enhancing Student Success
The series provides a shared point of reference and common language to discuss, shape and review policy, process and practice around the broad and complex issues impacting student success. They can therefore be an extremely effective way of applying a consistent methodology to leading change, curriculum design, student support and learning and teaching.
Engaging with our evidence-informed frameworks in combination, will help you to identify smarter ways of working. This effect is embedded when considered at an institutional level and then applied across all programmes.

Project Success Stories