Higher education is being challenged to become accessible, inclusive and representative of the society we live in. The voices calling for change are many and strong, the opportunities, energy and urgency likewise.
We support your institution to create places of learning and employment that welcome diversity, nurture talent and make sustainable change. We can help you remove barriers to education, employment and success, so that higher education can reach its full potential, and your diverse staff and students can benefit equally from the opportunities it affords.
Our work can focus on issues surrounding specific protected characteristics but will always consider intersectionality with other protected characteristics.
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Why work with Advance HE?
Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our values as an organisation and provide the framework for the work that we do with our members and clients.
Our work on equality, diversity and inclusion:
- is evidence-based and draws on a wide range of academic thinking
- is informed by good practice from across and beyond the higher education sector
- is in synergy with and support of Athena Swan and the Race Equality Charter
- understands that inequalities are not limited to overt, isolated incidents, but are also an everyday facet of society, situations, processes and behaviours
- focuses on institutional as well as individual change
- foregrounds the voices and lived experiences of students and staff from marginalised groups
- creates a safe space for honest and transformative conversations
- understands that engagement, confidence and skill levels in relation to EDI differ between and within institutions so we pay attention to the context, needs and well-being of those we work with.

Our solutions
Equality Audits
e-Learning courses
Access and Participation Plan Support
Culture reviews
Learning and development
Athena Swan
Race Equality Charter
Tailored solutions

Our experts
Working with us means drawing on the expertise of highly experienced colleagues who are active leaders in their fields with significant track records in supporting institutions to deliver their objectives. We also work with a vast group of highly experienced and skilled associates.

Project Success Stories

Useful resources and links
Equality in higher education: statistical reports
Every year, Advance HE’s Research team produces a series of statistical reports on equality for staff and students in UK higher education.
Disabled Students' Commission
This independent and strategic group takes responsibility for advising, informing and influencing higher education providers to improve support for disabled students.
Advance HE Member Project: Good Campus Relations and Freedom of Speech
Helping members to create inclusive institutions and improve campus relations between different groups, whilst supporting and protecting freedom of speech and academic freedom.
Diversity of governors in higher education 2022
The second report into the diversity of HE governors in the UK published by Advance HE reveals insights from our analysis of HESA data looking at the diversity characteristics of governors in UK higher education.
Board Diversity Toolkit
The Toolkit is designed to help member institutions to improve the diversity and inclusivity of their governing bodies, whether as a Secretary, Chair of Governors, Governance and Nominations Committee member, or anyone interested in tackling under-representation and aiming for inclusion at the Board level in the higher education sector.