Mindsets, Paths and Identities: the Experiences of Senior Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Leaders in Higher Education
What can we learn from the experiences of senior Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) leaders about what is involved in attaining positions of leadership in British higher education?

Integrating Wellbeing and Student Engagement Lessons from the Growing Creative Leaders of the Future Programme
Developing leaders [Small Development Project]

Rewarding and recognising academic citizenship
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing leaders, Evolving organisational forms, Identities, roles and careers [Small Development Project]

Academic Leadership at the programme level to address the BME attainment gap
Equality, diversity and inclusion, Developing leaders, Culture, change and organisational development [Small Development Project]

Can I speak to you in confidence? How tutoring can play a role in creating trusting research cultures
Equality, diversity and inclusion, Developing leaders, Identities, roles and careers, Understanding leadership [Small Development Project]

Delivering the difference: A new framework for supporting organisational change
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing leaders [Small Development Project]

A recipe for TEF success: Perceptions of leaders of high performing academic departments
Understanding leadership, Developing leaders, HE context and landscape [Small Development Project]

Developing Academic Leadership and Innovative Practice
Developing leaders, Culture, change and organisational development [Small Development Project]

Promoting safety leadership in higher education: The role of principal investigators
Developing leaders [Small Development Project]

Healthy Universities: Whole University Leadership for Health, Wellbeing and Sustainability
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing leaders, Global and cross-sector perspectives [Small Development Project]

Trust Me! Building and breaking professional trust in doctoral student supervisor relationships
Developing leaders [Small Development Project]

Onwards & upwards? Tracking women's work experiences in higher education - Year 2 Report
Culture, change and organisational development; Equality diversity and inclusion; Identities, roles and careers; Developing leaders [Leadership Insight]

Exploring the Impact of Coaching in Higher Education
Culture, change and organisational development, Developing Leaders and Identity, Roles and Careers [Research]

Managing the Chair/Vice-Chancellor Relationship
Governance; Developing leaders; Culture, change and organisational development [Leadership Insight]

What Works: The Concept
Exploring the possibilities of a platform for higher education leadership, governance and management. Higher education is experiencing rapid change; leaders need access to best evidence to support high quality decision making. This paper describes a journey scoping a ‘what works’ initiative for the sector.

Talent Management: Learning Across Sectors - Full Report
Culture, change and organisational development & Developing Leaders [Research]

Talent Management: Learning Across Sectors - Executive Summary
Culture, change and organisational development & Developing Leaders [Research]

Big data – disruptive, distracting or adding value?
Developing leaders; Culture, change and organisational development; Evolving organisational forms; HE context and landscape [Stimulus Paper]

Onwards and Upwards? Tracking women's work experiences in higher education - Report
Dr Sarah Barnard, Professor John Arnold, Dr Sara Bosley and Dr Fehmidah Munir University of Loughborough

Onwards and Upwards? Tracking women's work experiences in higher education - Summary
Dr Sarah Barnard, Professor John Arnold, Dr Sara Bosley and Dr Fehmidah Munir University of Loughborough