The impact of mergers, acquisitions and collaborations in Higher Education and other knowledge based sectors
Evolving Organisational Forms [Research]

Big data – disruptive, distracting or adding value?
Developing leaders; Culture, change and organisational development; Evolving organisational forms; HE context and landscape [Stimulus Paper]

Challenges for the leadership of transnational education in higher education: balancing risk and innovation
Governance, academic and financial risk; Evolving organisational forms; Global and cross-sector perspectives [Research]

Out in Orbit: strategies and trajectories for higher education satellite campuses
Evolving organisational forms [Research]

Leading the Student Experience: Super-convergence of organisation, structure and business processes
Evolving organisational forms [Research]

Collaborations and Mergers in HE: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects
Evolving organisational forms [Research]

Developing a better understanding of the current models adopted in UK Universities: Final Report
Evolving organisational forms; HE context and landscape [Small Development Project