The use of technology to maximise the student learning experience is a vibrant area of interest across all tiers of global education. Technology enhanced learning (TEL) is often used as a synonym for e-learning but can also be used to refer to technology enhanced classrooms and learning with technology, rather than just through technology.
Useful guides and publications
Flexible pedagogies: technology-enhanced learning
Our Flexible Pedagogies: preparing for the future research series includes a publication that focuses on a better understanding of technology enhanced learning, including highlighting some of the challenges and opportunities that TEL brings to HE.
How to start using technology in your teaching
In the UK, Advance HE is currently coordinating the London Retention Project aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of the retention issues in the London context and providing support and networking opportunities to address common challenges.
Advance HE Scotland Thematic Series: Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL)
The aim of the Thematic Series are to strengthen core academic capabilities of staff through the sharing of effective practice and focused theory, and to support institutional enhancement of learning and teaching, complementing and further building on their existing in-house work. Topics are identified by the Scottish sector, and resources are authored and curated by colleagues from Scottish institutions and aim to guide practitioners to relevant material and experiences to support them in developing their own teaching practice. The theme for the January 2020 series was Technology-enhanced learning (TEL).
Has your school, faculty or institution identified this as a key strategic priority?
Advance HE, through it's four step process: conceptualising; planning and preparation; implementation, delivery and monitoring, and; completion and closure; can help you to:
- Identify areas of strength and areas for improvement
- Deliver solutions-based change aimed at tackling your issues
- Review the success of any initiatives against KPIs and global frameworks
Key Advance HE Research
- Flexible pedagogies: technology-enhanced learning
- Learning as social practice online: how can meaningful dialogue be nurtured online in the spirit of learning as social practice?
- Technology, pedagogy and promotion
- Assistive Technologies and Advantageous Themes for Collaboration, Learning and Teaching within 3D Virtual Learning Environments
Guidance and teaching resources
- How to start using technology in your teaching
- Technology Enhanced Employability and Employee Learning: A Staff Guide
- Using technology to help students engage with their feedback: A ten minute guide for senior managers
- Enhancing small group teaching and learning using online student response systems
Flexible by Design collaborative project second cohort
Following the positive feedback from the first cohort, a second cohort for our Flexible by Design collaborative project is now open. Delivered in partnership with Jisc, the project will support institutions over a period of 3 months to develop and deliver a flexible learning offer that aligns with their institutional mission, vision and values.