Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter helps institutions in their work to identify and address the barriers facing Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students, while also providing a framework for action and improvement. Institutions can apply for a bronze or silver award, depending on their progress.
Race Equality Charter Awards News
In April 2023, De Montfort University (DMU) became the first higher education institution in the UK to win a Silver Award under Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter. Find out more here.
Find out more
For more information about Race Equality Charter, complete the form below and we will email you relevant links with further information about the Race Equality Charter. If you are already a Race Equality Charter member please find all the latest application guidance, forms and templates on Advance HE Connect in the Race Equality Charter Members Network group

Race Equality Charter Update
Advance HE’s Equality Charters are member-led frameworks, shaped by and accountable to the member institutions which commit to the shared principles of equality, diversity and inclusion. We have centred members’ input and feedback throughout the process of updating the Race Equality Charter framework, including through engagement events and the invaluable contributions and oversight of the Race Equality Charter Governance Committee.
The Updated Race Equality Charter is now available for use by members from the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year.
There is a transition period to enable current members who are already using the original Race Equality Charter materials to continue to do so up to and including the November 2024 submission round.
New institutions signing up to the Race Equality Charter from 1 August 2023 and all applicants from January 2025 will be expected to use the Updated Race Equality Charter materials.

Equality Charters and Freedom of Speech consultation
As part of the update to the Race Equality Charter, Academic Freedom and Freedom of Speech are now explicitly referenced in the Updated Race Equality Charter, and Advance HE will be publishing new guidance for institutions in early autumn. This provides a mechanism to support universities so that Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom can be appropriately considered and embedded through the Charter.

Applying for a Race Equality Charter award
Advance HE Membership provides access to the Race Equality Charter. Once your institution is a member you can then apply for an institutional Race Equality Charter award.
The Race Equality Charter covers:
- professional and support staff;
- academic staff;
- student progression and awarding;
- diversity of the curriculum.
The Race Equality Governance Committee
Race equality in higher education is boosted by a new governance committee set up to provide assurance, expert advice and guidance to the Advance HE Board for the development of the Race Equality Charter. Advance HE has appointed 12 members, including two co-Chairs, to the new Race Equality Charter Governance Committee with a wide range of equality, diversity and inclusion skills and lived experience.

More about the Race Equality Charter
Apply for the Race Equality Charter award
Good Practice Initiatives
Race Equality Charter Update