The development of an effective strategic leader in the volatile and challenging HE sector is rooted in their ability to connect with the institution’s purpose. It is through this connection that an effective leader can manage organisational change, develop emotional intelligence and personal resilience, handle sensitive issues and proactively engage in strategic response to sector issues or provocation.
Now open for bookings
11 June 2024
Booking deadline: Thursday 6 June 2024
Location: Coventry
Exact Venue: Warwick Conferences

Explore and develop your leadership identity.
Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership provides participants with the opportunity to develop and reflect on their leadership identity. Participants will learn how to engage with their environment, their organisation, its culture, and its people. This provides participants with the skills to manage change and sensitive issues, develop effective influence and negotiation skills and drive cultural development. The programme also provides an opportunity to plan personal development through group interaction and 360-degree feedback data.
Who is Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership for?
The programme has been designed for Heads of Departments, Schools, or academic subject centres; newly appointed Deans or those aspiring to the role; senior leaders up to and including Head or Director or their direct reports in professional services such as HR, Finance, Estates, Marketing, Library or Student Support.
Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership has been designed for operational managers who want to gain insight into the development of major strategic decisions in higher education institutions. The programme, which has been devised to be both challenging and empowering, emphasises innovation and creativity as a means to implement effective and sustainable change.
How is the programme delivered?
Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership is a four-day programme consisting of:
• Workshops
• Group work
• An interactive forum theatre session
• Simulation exercises
• Action learning sessions
• A 360-degree diagnostic
Pre-work involving:
• A 360 Diagnostic and coaching feedback session
• Windows on Work Values Diagnostic
• Reading and reflection

What are the programme outcomes?
The Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership programme provides participants with the opportunity to develop and reflect on their leadership identity. Participants will learn how to use narrative and stories to engage with their organisation and its people to develop shared purpose and collective commitment. This provides participants with the skills to manage change and sensitive issues, develop effective influence and negotiation skills and drive cultural development. The programme also provides an opportunity to plan personal development through group interaction and 360-degree feedback data.

Share and celebrate your achievements with digitally recognised learning
For much of our portfolio for 2022-23 the learning of event attendees and programme participants and conference, symposia and colloquia presenters will be digitally recognised.
This makes it easy for you to share and celebrate your achievements by adding them to your email signature or including them in your social profiles including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Your learning certificates can also be easily verified and downloaded as a pdf.

