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Alex Bols

Alex is Deputy Chief Executive at GuildHE representing over 60 smaller and specialist universities and colleges. He observes Advance HE Boards (having previously observed the QAA and HEA boards) and sits on the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment and HEFCW Quality Assessment Committee.
Job Title
Deputy Chief Executive

​​​​​​Dr Alex Bols is Deputy Chief Executive of GuildHE, which represents over 60 smaller and specialist universities and colleges. He leads GuildHE’s policy on a number of areas including quality assurance, governance, climate change, international and immigration, teacher education and he sits on various sector-wide groups including as a member of UK-wide Standing Committee on Quality Assessment, HEFCW’s Quality Assessment Committee and observing the AdvanceHE Board. 

He is on the Board at Writtle University College having recently finished eight years on the Board at University College of Osteopathy (including three years as Board Vice Chair). He recently completed his Doctor of Education on effective student representation at UCL’s Institute of Education. He was previously Executive Director of the 1994 Group and Head of Higher Education and Assistant Director (Research) at NUS and Secretary General of the European Students’ Union.

Alex is an experienced school governor. He is a member of the Governing Body of a Federation of two secondary schools, two primary schools and a Teaching School Alliance, and chairs one of the secondary schools. He has previously chaired the governing bodies at two primary schools and been on the governing body of another secondary school and a special school for children with autism.