The Advance HE Student Engagement Conference 2023 will be held in person on 20 April 2023 at Manchester Metropolitan University and will focus on What does student engagement mean to you? How does the meaning vary depending on who we are - a student, a lecturer, a senior leader? How do you measure student engagement? And how do we merge these understandings together to achieve excellent student outcomes for all?
This conference will build on the Advance HE Student Engagement Conferences in 2021 and 2022 to delve further into what we learn from the data, from students, from staff, from other countries, other types of institution? The return to a face-to-face conference will also allow much more networking and informal sharing alongside the formal conference elements to build together our understanding of student engagement.
The conference will take a particular focus on three areas for student engagement:
- Engagement & development through campus and online spaces – specifically spaces outside of the teaching classroom, non-teaching spaces.
- Engagement & development through institutional structures – governance structures, student representatives on committees how can this be more than a token gesture?
- Engagement & development through learning – with hybrid models of teaching how are we getting engagement on the VLE as well as in the classroom, is there learning to be gained between disciplines or are the opportunities discipline specific?
This conference will be of interest to those with responsibility for the student academic experience and student engagement more widely, SU teams wishing to widen their student engagement, course leaders seeking to have a more engaged cohort and others focused on the student experience and improving student outcomes.
Booking information
Date: 20 April 2023
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University

Who should attend?
Those with responsibility for the student academic experience and student engagement more widely, SU teams, course leaders and those focused on the student experience and improving student outcomes.

Programme - Student Engagement Conference 2023
Abstracts - Student Engagement Conference 2023
Conor Naughton

Event sponsors
A leading provider of survey and evaluation solutions, evasys has more than 60 higher education customers across the UK and Ireland and over 1,000, worldwide.
evasys enables universities and colleges to streamline module evaluation and student surveys, whilst driving up response rates and helping to close the student feedback loop – and, ultimately, contributing to improvements in NSS outcomes, particularly around Student Voice.
Widely integrated with other education technology systems such as virtual learning environments (VLEs) and student portals, evasys provides instant and detailed feedback reports for course and module leaders, as well as extensive insights and management information for academic managers.
Fully supported pilots of evasys are available to allow institutions to easily understand the benefits of a central, digital system that enhances student engagement/retention and facilitates module and course leader engagement.

Sync supports organisations across the UK, aiding in the adoption, deployment, and ongoing use of Apple technology. This includes the provision of hardware, software and finance solutions, as well as installations, training, technical support, repairs, and more. We support schools, academies, colleges, and universities across the UK, to adopt technology, and integrate it into their teaching and learning practices. This is carried out through a blend of provision, consultancy, training / CPD, and technical support.

We create transformative digital solutions that support practical skill development in science education. Our interactive lab simulations and advanced digital worksheets are used alongside practical labs by over 200 academic departments worldwide. We also support our global community of university educators by providing opportunities to share best practices, connect with one another and celebrate innovative teaching.