Student engagement has never been more important or more challenging. This conference will provide an opportunity for the sector to come together to review where we’ve been and to consider where next. It will focus on the engagement of students in all aspects of their higher education, from the ‘classroom’ to extra-curricular activities including leadership and governance; asking what does it mean to lead student engagement, and how can we continue to improve our vision of student engagement? The conference will consider leadership of student engagement through a 360 degree lens including the role of all staff, the Student Union, and the community as well as considering how we ensure inclusive engagement and remove all inequalities.
This conference will be of interest to those with responsibility for the student academic experience and student engagement more widely, SU teams wishing to widen their student engagement, course leaders seeking to have a more engaged cohort and others focused on the student experience and improving student outcomes.
Join the conversation #StudentEngagementConf22
Date: 12 May 2022
Location: Virtual
Who: Those with responsibility for the student academic experience and student engagement more widely, SU teams, course leaders and those focused on the student experience and improving student outcomes.

Bring along a student free of charge
We would like to invite all paying delegates attending the conference to please bring along a student of your choice free of charge. You can add them as a guest to your booking when processing this through our online booking portal. To access the booking page, please use the Book Now button on the top right hand side of this page.


Student engagement conference programme

Event sponsor

At Explorance, we believe that each experience matters. From students in higher education to employees at the workplace, feedback is vital to the lifelong learner's journey. That's why Explorance's mission is to help organisations create a personalised journey of impact and fulfillment for their people through innovative Experience Management (XM) solutions.
The Blue Student Experience Management platform offers a single source of truth from a centralised process. Blue is purpose-built to fully automate all major student feedback gathering initiatives - institutional surveys, course evaluations, competency assessments, alumni surveys – all on one platform.

Keynote speaker
Panel sessions
Connecting engagement with student success
Opportunities beyond the core curriculum
How are we capturing and measuring student engagement in different areas? What are our strategies, models and metrics?
Workshop: Design Thinking: Approaches to Student Engagement