Share and celebrate your achievements with digitally recognised learning
The pace of change in HE has intensified the need for continuous professional learning that gives people the skills, expertise and recognition they need to succeed. Our programmes and events portfolio and our awards help are shaped to provide you with learning opportunities specific to you and to create pathways to inclusive leadership at all levels. You can now share and celebrate your Advance HE achievements with digitally recognised learning.
Programmes and events calendar
Introducing Advance HE digital recognised learning enabled by Accredible
We are working with platform provider Accredible to provide you with digital versions of the certificates awarded to you when you complete particular programmes or events or when you contribute through specific roles and relationships with Advance HE.
digitally recognised learning makes it easy for you to share and celebrate your achievements by adding them to your email signature or including them in your social profiles including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Your certificates can also be easily downloaded as a pdf
Through Accredible your certificates are verified and validated when viewed by others to demonstrate they are recognised and issued by Advance HE.
The benefits of digital recognised learning
- Digitally-verified learning - your achievements can be verified and validate in real time
- Always accessible and available - never worry about losing your certificate, you can view or print it as a high quality PDF anytime
- Sharing how you want it - you can choose to keep your achievement private, share only with selected people or celebrate publicly by sharing your achievement on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn with just one click
- Portable achievements - you can embed your credential on your own website, in your email signature or save it as a PDF
Our digital awards and certificates
Over the past few months, we have been running a pilot programme to roll out digital awards and certificates across a number of areas. The following achievements are currently eligible:
- Current cohorts of Enhancing Programme Leadership, Transition to Leadership and Diversifying Leadership
- Contributors at our Teaching and Learning annual conference and NET conference
- Athena Swan Chairs and Reviewers
- Alumni and current National Teaching Fellows.
In the coming months we will be expanding the digital recognised learning available as part of our new programmes and events portfolio for 2022-23. This will include:
- Aurora core programme participants
- Strategic Leadership Programme participants
- Preparing for Senior Strategic Leadership Programme participants
- Leading Departments Programme participants
- Senior Women’s Leadership Development Programme participants
- Research Team Leadership in Changing Times participants
- Flexible and Hybrid Leadership Programme participants
- Transformative Conversations Programme participants
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference presenters
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion workshop attendees
- Inclusive Teaching and Learning Workshop Series attendees
- Symposia and Colloquia Presenters
- Teaching and Learning Conference presenters
- Professional Development Course for External Examiners completers
- Develop the Developer Course for External Examiners completers
- Governance Professionals in HE participants
- Student Governor event participants

Receiving digital recognised learning from Advance HE
If you have been issued with digital recognised learning from Advance HE, you will receive an email notification from certificates@advance-he.ac.uk. Please allow for a few days following the completion of the programme, event or award related to your digital recognised learning credential notice to be delivered. The notification email will be delivered to the email address you supplied and will contain a link to your digital recognised learning along with instructions.
Help with your digital recognised learning
You can find answers to frequently asked questions such as how to use your new digital award or certificate in the Accredible knowledge base.
Retrieving a copy of your digital badge email
If you believe you have been issued with digital recognised learning but cannot find the email in your inbox you can retrieve a copy of the email associated with your email address using this link - retrieve a copy of your digital award email.
Celebrate and share your achievement with others
The video below also provides an overview of how to add your digital recognised learning to your social profiles and ways to share your achievement with others.
It is easy to share the unique URL of your award and using the social media widgets on the Accredible platform you can create and a share a post which links back directly to your credential web page.
There are two options available for sharing on LinkedIn. You can share a post that appears in your news feed or you can add your certificate to the certification section so that it appears on your profile for others to see.
Your credential view web page on the Accredible platform provides verification of your award.
You can also embed your credential into your email signature or any web page or download a version of your certificate to have as a hard copy or to print.
You can add further information or evidence of your achievements by uploading items to the skills and knowledge section of your Accredible profile.
You can also choose to change the privacy and visibility of your awards.
Further help can be found at help.accredible.com or by emailing support@accredible.com