Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter aims to improve the representation, progression and success of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students within higher education. New members are always welcome.
The Updated Race Equality Charter is now available for use by members from the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year.
There is a transition period to enable current members who are already using the original Race Equality Charter materials to continue to do so up to and including the November 2024 submission round.
New institutions signing up to the Race Equality Charter from 1 August 2023 and all applicants from January 2025 will be expected to use the Updated Race Equality Charter materials.
Benefits of joining the Race Equality Charter
Advancing race equality within your institution has the potential to lead to a range of benefits for your institution. These include:
- committing to higher degree awarding rates, improved continuation rates and improved employment outcomes for minority ethnic students;
- evidencing your institution’s commitment to equality and diversity, as required by research councils or devolved government;
- complementing your internationalisation agenda for an improved experience for your international students and staff;
- increasing awareness of globalisation and diversity for all students, which is attractive to prospective employers;
- developing evidence based actions that result in long-term cultural change;
- promoting your plans to attract, utilise and retain talented individuals;
- increasing the potential for innovation and creativity throughout your institution;
- joining up other shared institutional agendas such as widening participation;
- meeting your legal obligations of the Equality Act 2010 and Freedom of Speech Act 2023.

Members of Advance HE with access to the Race Equality Charter are able to:
- submit for institutional Race Equality Charter awards at Bronze and Silver level;
- access resources and publications to prepare award submissions;
- attend workshops on various topics to help prepare for an award;
- access advice and support from Advance HE’s Equality Charters team;
- join the Race Equality Charter Advance HE Connect group.

Do you want to apply for a Race Equality Charter award?
Your application route for the Race Equality Charter is dependent upon your membership status and the award you are applying for.
- Before you can apply for a Race Equality Charter award your institution will need to be an Advance HE member. Find out more about Advance HE Membership.
- Prior to becoming a Race Equality Charter member your institution will need to sign up to the Updated Race Equality Charter principles. You can download the Institutional sign-up letter here and return to racecharter@advance-he.ac.uk once completed.
- All new members will now use the Updated Race Equality Charter, find out more about the charter.
- If you are intending to submit an application in the upcoming round, please let us know by completing our online form below.
Race Equality Charter award rounds
If you are intending to submit an application in an upcoming round, please let us know by completing our online form.
More about the Race Equality Charter