This literature review is part of a six-month longitudinal project for the Connect Benefit Series 2021-22 on Student Success, which focuses on access, retention, attainment and progression as well as a second theme of employability.
This literature review updates a previous Advance HE review by Oliver Webb Lynne Wyness and Debby Cotton in 2017 by expanding the type of literature reviewed and aligning inclusion with the Office for Students ‘standards of evidence’.
Conducted by a research team from Sheffield Hallam University consisting of Dr Liz Austen, Head of Evaluation and Research, Dr Rebecca Hodgson, Associate Dean Teaching and Learning, Dr Jill Dickinson, Senior Lecturer, Evaluation and Teaching and Learning (Secondment), Caroline Heaton, Senior Lecturer (Research, Evaluation and Student Engagement), and Nathaniel Pickering, Lecturer Research Evaluation and Student Engagement, this literature review aims to highlight evidence-based policy or practice that has had a demonstrable impact on student outcomes, including impact on progression, engagement, satisfaction, skill acquisition and/or self-confidence and student degree classification.
Advance HE Members can access the literature review and a searchable data set below.
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