Following the independent review of the UK Athena Swan Charter which reported its recommendations in Spring 2020, Advance HE is working with the Athena Swan Governance Committee to develop the review systems and processes that underpin the Charter. This development includes revised roles for panel members, increased training and guidance in order to improve the support and clarity for applicants and panel members alike.
Find out more
The transformed UK Athena Swan Charter launched 30 June 2021, click below to find out more about the benefits of the transformed Charter.

Being part of the Athena Swan transformation process provides an exciting opportunity that links into a critical period of change. This will inform how universities have, and continue to, respond to gender inequalities that are amplified through the current pandemic to effect sustained cultural change across the sector.”Rachel Archbold
Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Durham University and Athena Swan panel Chair.

The transformed UK Athena Swan Charter Chairs
Below is the full list of the transformed UK Athena Swan Charter panel chairs. Click on each Chair to find out more about them.
Adrienne Scullion, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Alan White, Anglia Ruskin University
Dr Derek Wann, University of York
Eilidh Fraser, Abertay University
Gillian Hamnett, University of Oxford
Dr Jane Illes, University of St Andrews
Professor Juliette Pattinson, University of Kent
Dr June McCombie, University of Nottingham
Professor Karen McCloskey, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Katie Szkornik, Keele University
Kevin Coutinho, University College London
Dr Lucy Jones, Kingston University
Michael Hassell, University of Surrey
Pradeep Passi, The University of Central Lancashire
Rachel Archbold, Durham University
Professor Rachel Cowen, The University of Manchester

The transformed UK Athena Swan Charter Reviewers
Below you can download a list of the transformed UK Athena Swan Charter reviewers including their name, job title and organisation.