A collection of tools and other useful links to help you define, plan and implement your succession strategy.

Imperial College London

Newcastle University

Nottingham Trent University
Note that these are partially completed sample documents, to serve as examples.

Leadership Foundation research projects (pdfs; require free registration)
Characteristics, roles and selection of vice-chancellors
Glynis Breakwell, University of Bath
Professional managers in higher education: preparing for complex futures
Celia Whitchurch, Kings College London
Composition, challenges and changes in top team structures in UK higher education institutions
Steve Woodfield, University of Surrey and Tom Kennie, Nottingham Trent University
CIPD tools and resources
Succession planning factsheet 2011 (requires free signup)
Talent management factsheet 2011 (requires free signup)
The talent perspective 2010 (requires free signup)
Succession toolkit 2007 (publication available for purchase)
Talent management - design implementation and evaluation 2008 (resource available only to CIPD members)
Talent management – understanding the dimensions 2006 (resource available only to CIPD members)
Further reading
Guthridge, M., A. B. Komm and E. Lawson (2008). Making Talent a Strategic Priority. McKinsey Quarterly, January 2008.
Heuer, J. J. (2003). Succession Planning for Key Administrators at Ivy-Plus Universities. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania.
Munro, A. (2005). Practical Succession Management: How to Future-Proof Your Organisation. Aldershot, Gower.