On this page you will find the following documents to download for you to use for Charters submission:
• Membership and Eligibility Policy outlines who is eligible to apply for an Athena Swan or Race Equality Charter (REC) award in the UK.
• Restructuring and Changes to Award-Holding Entities Policy outlines what happens when a Charter award holder or applicant undergoes organisational restructuring.
• Request to transfer Awards Template is for use in conjunction with the policy for restructuring and changes to award holding entities.
• Appeal Policy outlines the framework for appealing an unsuccessful application outcome.
• Appeal Template is for use by members who want to appeal the outcome of an application (to be used in conjunction with the policy).
• Award Extensions and Grace Period Policy outlines the framework for considering extensions to Charters awards.
• Referral Policy outlines the framework for referring an application for assessment by a second panel in exceptional circumstances
• Referral Template is a template for use in conjunction with the referrals policy.
• Objection Policy outlines the framework for considering objections to a Charters award or application.
• Objection Template is a template for objecting to a charters award or application (to be used in conjunction with the objections policy).