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Teaching and Learning Conference 2021

Leading on Inclusive Teaching and Learning Workshops

This two-part workshop supports staff who are leading others in change efforts around inclusive teaching and learning.

This two-part workshop supports staff who are leading others in change efforts around inclusive teaching and learning. Participants will explore issues such as different approaches to change; inclusive leadership; positionality and power; working with different stakeholders and disciplines; evaluation, and accountability. Participants will also have the opportunity to analyse and explore their own ‘live’ issues.

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Who is delivering the course?

This session is delivered by Advance HE Senior Advisers and Associates specialising in inclusive learning and teaching, and leadership.  

Robiu Salisu

Senior Consultant, EDI
Advance HE
Photo of Advance HE consultant, Robiu Salisu
Robiu Salisu is a Senior Consultant, EDI at Advance HE and has demonstrable experience in delivering training and insights on a variety of topics including; Belonging, Inclusive Leadership, Student-Staff Engagement and Partnership, Freedom of Speech and Community Cohesion.

Joanne Coysh

Senior Consultant in the Leadership, Organisational Development and Research
Advance HE
Joanne Coysh
Joanne Coysh is a Senior Consultant in the Leadership, Organisational Development and Research team. She has spent the last 25 years working as a consultant, designing and researching collaborative spaces for problem-solving, learning and change with global charities and international organisations working with human rights, international development and humanitarian emergencies. Joanne works globally and with international groups having lived and worked overseas throughout her career.

Learning outcomes

On completion, participants should be able to:

  • Understand the wider sector context, drivers and priorities for inclusive learning, teaching and assessment enhancement in higher education.
  • Identify different institutional or disciplinary interventions available to enhance or embed inclusion and equity into LTA
  • Explore and anticipate common challenges in leading on inclusive LTA, such as: building a shared vision amongst staff and students; holistic embedding of strategy and action; ownership and accountability; disciplinary discretion.
  • Critically reflect on their own personal leadership skills and positioning in this area.
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The blended module involves two half-day online interactive workshops, and c. 1 hour of independent reflection and reading. Indicative content:

  • Understanding ‘change’ for equitable and inclusive education: learning from what has and hasn’t ‘worked’
  • Working with stakeholders on inclusion: opportunities and challenges
  • Being an inclusive leader: exploring personal positionality, power, and authenticity
  • Real World application: structured independent and small group reflection to apply learning to your current work

‘Spotlight’ learning from literature, case studies, and Advance HE projects are likely to engage with topics such as anti-racism, disability and accessibility, and international inclusion.