In 2018, Advance HE commissioned Ortus Economic Research and Loughborough University to evaluate the impact of the Athena SWAN Charter across the higher education and research sector to determine its effectiveness as a vehicle for sustainable change, and to identify areas for further development.
An executive summary, including the key findings of the research, can be found at the beginning of the report. Advance HE’s press release on the report can be found here.
For more information about past impact evaluations of the Athena SWAN Charter please visit our webpage on the impact of the equality charters.
The research team from Ortus Economic Research and Loughborough University alongside Advance HE gratefully acknowledge the valuable input and assistance of colleagues who participated in and contributed to the research.
The report authors would also like to acknowledge the important contribution made to the study by the wider team at Loughborough University: Steff Farley, Theresa Wege, Dr Fehmidah Munir and Dr Paola Iannone.