Jointly awarded by the HEA and the National Union of Students (NUS) the HEA/National Union of Students (NUS) Students’ Union and Institution Partnership Award is for HE organisations and their students’ unions associations or guilds who have developed strategic approaches in partnership to effect change and enhance the student experience. This may be through joint initiatives around learning and teaching priorities or development of strategies policies or governance.
University of Exeter Exeter Students’ Guild and Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union – Strategies for partnership
Highly commended
The University of Winchester and Winchester Student Union – The Student Fellows scheme: A partnership between Winchester Student Union and the University of Winchester
Birmingham City University and Birmingham City University Students’ Union - Birmingham City: a partnership approach
Highly commended
- University of Cumbria and University of Cumbria Students’ Union – The partnership approach at Cumbria
- The University of Edinburgh and Edinburgh University Students’ Association – Peer support partnership project
- University of Exeter and University of Exeter Students’ Guild – University-guild partnership: Lifting our laurels
- University of Leeds and Leeds University Union – The partnership 2013