Advance HE accredits initial and continuing professional development (CPD) provision delivered by Higher Education Providers (HEPs), including higher education (HE) delivered in further education (FE) colleges and private providers. Advance HE accreditation provides external confirmation that institutional CPD provision is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) which outlines the characteristics and qualities in those involved in teaching and supporting learning in higher education.
From 2014-15 onwards, Advance HE has required institutions with accredited continuing professional development schemes (experiential routes to Fellowship) to complete a brief annual review on the operation of their accredited scheme to ensure that institutional CPD schemes remain in good standing.
These guidance notes accompany an institutional annual CPD review 2018-19 template which is pre-populated with the institution’s data. The guidance notes are provided to support completion of the institutional template, due for return by Monday 16 December 2019.