Teams from across the higher education sector have been supported by Advance HE to analyse current trends and the potential drivers and disruptors of the higher education sector, to envision the future student experience. The projects have examined the potential technological, social, environmental and economic factors that may drive or disrupt the sector in the future.
Drawing from the report findings we have created four future-focused scenarios of higher education, with the aim of promoting thinking about possible, probable and plausible higher education futures.
These resources allow you to recreate a workshop, which was delivered by Advance HE as part of the Beyond Flexible Learning member benefit project, which uses avatars to help paint a picture of these scenarios to provoke discussion.
There are four PowerPoint presentations, one for each scenario as well as a guide for facilitators who want to run the workshop in their own institution.
There is also a short video introducing the workshop which is available here.
Advance HE members can access the resources below.

The Future Student Experience Project
The 2021-22 Collaborative Development Fund Future Student Experience Project pictures what higher education might look like in the future and how student experiences may differ from the present day. The six reports below look at different potential scenarios, both desirable and not so desirable, hoping to stimulate debate about the future of higher education and what kind of experience the sector wants for students in the future.