A supplement to the recent Diversity of governors in HE report, this short document summarises the diversity of governors in Welsh higher education institutions.
In the 2020/21 HESA return there were data from 9 Welsh institutions that detailed the demographic characteristics for Governors. This allows for a broad picture to be drawn of governance in Welsh institutions. There were not sufficient responses for an intersectional analysis.
There is also a summary of the data from Scottish institutions which is available here.
Download the report below.

Diversity of governors in HE - UK wide report
In this report, Advance HE offers evidence that diverse and inclusive governing bodies which comprise different opinions, experiences and insights can better support strategic decision-making which address the needs, interests and expectations (NIEs) of all stakeholders.
The report builds on and develops the ideas and arguments presented in ‘Diversity of Governors in Higher Education’ published in 2020 and provides a number of new analyses. It draws on the enhanced HESA records for the academic years 2018-19 to 2020-21 and for the first time:
- compares Board diversity data with data about academic staff, offering a unique analysis of Board diversity in the context of higher education institutions, and;
- explores the characteristics of governors, providing an intersectional analysis of diversity that illuminates the range and depth of diversity across UK HE Boards.