In this report, Advance HE offers evidence that diverse and inclusive governing bodies which comprise different opinions, experiences and insights can better support strategic decision-making which address the needs, interests and expectations (NIEs) of all stakeholders.
The report builds on and develops the ideas and arguments presented in ‘Diversity of Governors in Higher Education’ published in 2020 and provides a number of new analyses. It draws on the enhanced HESA records for the academic years 2018-19 to 2020-21 and for the first time:
- compares Board diversity data with data about academic staff, offering a unique analysis of Board diversity in the context of higher education institutions, and;
- explores the characteristics of governors, providing an intersectional analysis of diversity that illuminates the range and depth of diversity across UK HE Boards.
Working with our members – which now number more than 400 higher education providers from around the world – and other partners in the sector, Advance HE draws on and shares insights into good practice and ‘what works’ in a number of key themes including governance and leadership, teaching and equality, diversity and inclusion. In terms of effective governance, our insights and expert subject experience show the value of diversity in our Boards; and the importance of ongoing efforts by the sector to make even more progress in this regard is reinforced through the evidence of this report.
Two supplements are also available below, summarising the diversity of HE governors across Scottish and Welsh higher education institutions.
Download the report below.

Diversity of HE governors in Scotland
As a supplement to the above report, this short document summarises the diversity of governors in Scottish higher education institutions.
In the 2020/21 HESA return there were data from 18 Scottish institutions that detailed the demographic characteristics for Governors. This is the widest coverage to date and allows a picture to be drawn of governance in Scottish institutions, alongside a comparison to the UK profile.
Diversity of HE governors in Wales
Another supplement to the main report, this short document summarises the diversity of governors in Welsh higher education institutions.
In the 2020/21 HESA return there were data from 9 Welsh institutions that detailed the demographic characteristics for Governors. This allows for a broad picture to be drawn of governance in Welsh institutions.