In the 2023 edition of Advance HE's Employability Case Study compendium, an annual publication following on from the Employability Symposium, editors Stuart Norton and Maria Romero-González bring together case studies from across higher education looking at contemporary practices and initiatives to develop students' employability.
The cases have been presented under the broad banners of career preparation, knowledge and soft skills and wider context with additional strong themes including inclusivity and equitable opportunities, in particular throughout the career preparation section. Further subthemes include interdisciplinary, and sustainability. There will be a range of overlap with differing themes, but what binds them together is their propensity for helping to sector to find solutions to enhancing employability.
Advance HE members can download the compendium below.

3 Es for Wicked Problems: Employability, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurship: Solving Wicked Problems
The 2022 compendium focused on solving problems in higher education across the three Es of Employability, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.