Mentoring is now a vital development tool in many organisations and can be used to speed up integration through induction mentoring, to develop skills and support career progress as well as to address strategic objectives such as diversity, well-being or retention.
Evidence suggests that both mentor and mentee gain from the experience so the skills of mentoring appear to enhance wider working practices. This course gives an introduction to mentoring in an institutional context and will identify how to make mentoring effective. It will cover best practice guidelines to follow and give delegates practical advice in addition to well validated tools and techniques to use.
Join our "Becoming an Aurora Mentor" workshops
For 2024-25, Becoming an Aurora Mentor workshops consist of 4 cohorts, each consisting of two half-day virtual workshops. The first cohort starts on 5th November 2024.
24-25 marks the third year of our in-house mentoring programme.
Event Information
Cohort 1
Session 1: Tuesday 05 November
Session 2: Tuesday 19 November
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Virtual
Event Information
Cohort 2
Session 1: Wednesday 29 January
Session 2: Wednesday 12 February
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Virtual
Event Information
Cohort 3
Session 1: Thursday 20 March
Session 2: Thursday 03 April
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Virtual
Event Information
Cohort 4
Session 1: Tuesday 03 June
Session 2: Tuesday 17 June
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Virtual
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Set up and maintain a mentoring relationship in line with best practice and ethical guidelines;
- Appreciate the role of the mentor, and the personal characteristics that support successful mentoring partnerships;
- Select and apply a range of tools and techniques to enhance the mentoring process;
- Apply key skills and competencies required for mentoring in an institutional context;
- Support Aurora mentees as well as other colleagues in their development.

Topics Covered
The topics covered in the course will include the following. However, during the workshop we may emphasise certain aspects in order to remain flexible to the needs of participants.
- Definitions and models of mentoring
- Paperwork and process consideration
- Goal Setting, Questioning and Listening Skills in the mentoring context
- Using Feedback, Challenge and Support effectively
- Applying the GROW model in mentoring
- Tools and techniques to facilitate development.
Who is the course for?
The course provides an introduction to mentoring and is suitable for anyone who has, or is planning to take on a mentoring role.
It is aimed at those with little experience of mentoring and would be appropriate for anyone looking to enhance staff development, in house mentors or for anyone with an interest in developing others.
The course is aimed at those taking on an Aurora mentee but has far broader applications.

How is the course delivered?
This course will be delivered online as two half days to allow some practice between the two sessions. Delegates will need access to a private space, audio and camera functions plus access to Zoom.
The course will be highly practical and interactive with participants encouraged to test the ideas in a safe and confidential environment. The focus will be on how to apply the approach in their specific context and will identify further personal development opportunities.

About being a mentor
Mentors will:
- Be considered successful in their career
- Be knowledgeable and experienced in their organisation and understand its culture
- Have sufficient time available to work with the mentee
- Have the endorsement of their Aurora champion
- Have sufficient general higher education experience to be able to offer advice and support
- Be a good listener and be able to provide objective, constructive feedback
- Have a genuine interest in helping women to develop their careers and particularly support his/her mentee
- Have a supportive or ‘coaching style’ of communication
- Be positive in outlook – able to appreciate the mentee’s point of view and see solutions
- Be flexible and open-minded
Benefits of mentoring for mentors
The benefits you gain from your mentoring experience will be unique to you as they will depend on your relationship with your mentee. However, there are some key benefits that you could gain from your mentoring experience:
• Honing your mentoring skills
• Insight into another area of the university/department/team
• An opportunity to network with other professionals
• Understanding of how mentoring can assist development
• Encouraging self-reflection
• Development of skills and knowledge
• Sense of achievement from helping your mentees achieve their goals
• Leadership development

Other points to note about mentoring:
- In general, line managers should not mentor their own staff but should be supportive of the process
- Mentoring relationships work best when the ‘contract’ between mentor and mentee is personally agreed in order to meet the needs of both individuals
- Mentors should be honest and non-judgemental
- A mentoring toolkit has been provided for mentors, which can be used or supplement institutional guidance
If you would like to set up a mentoring scheme in your institution and are not sure how to do this, we can help. We can provide you with some guidance or case studies or direct you to another champion for advice. There is a wealth of information and guidance on mentoring on the internet. Included is a useful open source link providing a range of advice and resources around mentoring www.coachingnetwork.org.uk.
Aurora - the longitundinal study
Our five-year longitudinal study of Aurora participants tracks the careers and aspirations of women working in higher education.