Aurora institutional case studies
In partnership with the Brunel University, Robert Gordon University, University College Dublin, and the University of Edinburgh, we have created four institutional case studies to share learning and insight from participating in Aurora; Aurora institutional case studies.
Aurora individual case studies:
Catherine Lynch - University College Dublin
Catherine Lynch is an alumna of the third year of Aurora, 2015-16. Aurora was the start of Catherine's leadership journey. Her expectations of herself, and those around her, have been raised and she has sought feedback and role modelling to take on more leadership responsibility.
Dr Evelien Bracke - Swansea University
Dr Evelien Bracke took part in the second year of Aurora in 2014-15. Stepping into a room of over 100 women, hearing their stories and backgrounds, encouraged Evelien to find her voice and step in to power.
Dr Hannah Bartlett - Aston University
Dr Hannah Bartlett took part in the second year of Aurora in 2014-15. Having returned from maternity leave and taken on part-time hours, Aurora enabled Hannah to reach out to a senior leader as a mentor for support within her institution, and to consider and realise her own strengths whilst on the development days.
Dr Helen Vaughan - University of Liverpool
Dr Helen Vaughan took part in the second year of Aurora, 2014-15. Since Aurora, Helen has been recognised as a Senior Fellow of the HEA, and used her learning to tap into, and use, her core beliefs to change the way that she works and focus on projects aligned with her values.
Dr Karen Masters - University of Portsmouth
Dr Karen Masters is an alumna of the second year of Aurora, 2014-15. Karen reflects on the role perceptions play in shaping her identity as a woman and an Aurora alumna working in a STEM subject.
Dr Liz Wilding - University of Reading
Dr Liz Wilding took part in the fourth year of Aurora in 2016-17. Liz reflects on how Aurora helped her build a new support network and how the final day of the programme, Adaptive Leadership Skills, helped her to have the courage to take the risk and step into a new role.
Dr Mary Collins - Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland (Aurora role model)
Dr Mary Collins took part as an Aurora role model. As an experienced development specialist, she found Aurora inspiring with a fantastic opportunity to reach a wide peer network.
Dr Mary Richards - Brunel University of London
Dr Mary Richards took part in the first year of Aurora in 2013-14. The networks that Aurora created, along with the development days, provided a valuable introduction to leadership and the wider community of women leaders in the sector.
Dr Michelle Millar - National University of Ireland, Galway
Dr Michelle Millar took part in the third year of Aurora in 2015-16. Aurora helped Michelle consider opportunities for promotion and how she didn't need to tick all the boxes all the time. Now, Michelle intends to move up through the institution.
Dr Rebecca Clifford - Swansea University
Dr Rebecca Clifford took part in the first year of Aurora in 2013-14. For Rebecca, Aurora inspired her to think about her career, how leadership can help shape the decisions she makes and importantly how she saw herself.
Professor Helen Newall - Edge Hill University
Professor Helen Newall took part in year two of Aurora in 2014-15. Learning to face her fears, Aurora inspired Helen to do a second masters and passed with a distinction. For Helen, leadership is not about going upwards but about knowing your options.